Restaurant Systems

Restaurant Fires are on the DECLINE


From the 1980’s to Today We Have Seen Restaurant Structure Fires Go From 23,000 Restaurant Fires per year to less than 6,000 Restaurant Fires per year

A downward trend in Restaurant Structure Fires is Outstanding! Today Restaurant Owners and Employees are much more proactive when it comes to Safe practices in the work area. Plus. Current Restaurant Fire Suppression Technology has increased performance standards that extinguish fires rapidly and reduce the chance for a fire to reignite. With Fire Sprinkler Systems, Restaurant Fire Systems, Hand Portable Fire Extinguishers, Restaurant Exhaust Cleaning, and Employee Fire Extinguisher Training, Restaurants are protected better than ever before.

Statistics on Commercial Restaurant Fires

  • Peak time for restaurant fires is 10:00 a.m.
  • Annually Restaurant Fires contribute to over $193 million in direct property damage
  • 57% of Commercial Restaurant Fires are directly related to Cooking Equipment and Appliances
  • 21% of the Commercial Restaurant Fires were the result of failing to clean oily, greasy residues from surfaces and appliances


Norred Fire Systems
Louisiana’s Most Experienced Provider of
Restaurant Fire Suppression Systems
And Restaurant System Service

A highly dangerous fire hazard occurs when you combine commercial cooking operations with open flames, hot cooking surfaces, and heavy grease deposits. In a restaurant kitchen environment fire always has the potential to spread very quickly, and they can be difficult to extinguish. At Norred Fire Systems we provide Complete Restaurant Fire Suppression Service. Our Techs are expertly trained in Commercial Restaurant Fire Suppression System Service and Installation.


Norred Fire Systems Commercial Restaurant Fire Suppression System SERVICE

Your Restaurant Fire Suppression System is 24/7 protection for your Kitchen. Even when you turn out the lights and head home after a long day of working, there’s still the potential for a Fire in the Kitchen of your Restaurant. At Norred Fire we take your System through a 39 point inspection process. Checking all crucial components of your kitchen fire system. We ensure that your Commercial Restaurant Fire Suppression System will operate when and if it’s needed.


Norred Fire Systems Restaurant Fire Suppression System INSTALLATION

Why Should I Trust Norred Fire Systems to
Install my Restaurant Fire Suppression System?

  • 3,780 hours in Design and Installation of Fire Suppression Systems
  • Factory Trained and Certified* Licensed for the State of Louisiana
  • Local Fire Code Experts
  • 1000’s of Happy, Satisfied Clients
  • We Guarantee our Work

At Norred Fire we start with the design process and create the exact fire suppression system that’s needed for your restaurant. We stay in direct contact and communicate every phase of the design and installation process. We believe in Customer Service and always try to exceed your expectations!

Call Norred Fire Systems Today for a FREE Estimate!